Micah Ross, Premier Real Estate Agent
Encinitas, CA
I have had the pleasure of not just working within the industry with Jessica but I have also had the opportunity and gift of her mentorship & coaching. Jessica’s ability to passionately share her knowledge of leadership and skillset is that of a dynamic and polished leader. Jessica has shared her knowledge and has counseled me in my career & in part the things I have learned from her gratuitous teaching are what I feel have been my source of daily reflection and encouragement to be the best sales person I can be. Jessica has helped get me from a point of contentment with my work and has pushed me to success I never knew was possible. Her vision and blatant achievements in her coaching is undoubtable something that anyone who is trying to better themselves, their careers and grow their passion further is a fundamental part of self-success and investments in one’s course. I highly recommend her coaching courses to anyone looking to take their career to the next level.
Jade Williams, Jade Stone Coaching
Orlando, FL
The years I spent working side by side with Jessica were "book worthy"! We were thrown challenges and curve balls that most companies wait decades to experience. She has an innate ability to see the future before it happens, to strategize the unthinkable and deliver solutions in one blink of an eye. She is a true professional in every sense of the word. Over the years she has challenged me to think critically, examine my actions and motivations, and honestly assesses who I am and who I aspire to be. Jessica is more than just a “coach,” she is a mentor, a counselor, a cheerleader, a mirror in which you see yourself, and a conscience, willing and able to hold you accountable. Put simply, you couldn't be in better hands with Jessica as your confidant